How to Add Non-Steam Games To Steam Library

Steam diversifies its functionalities and allows partnerships with third-party retailers. When you use steam to play, your games are protected from all the viruses when your PC is saving with antivirus. Not only can you add the steam games from third parties, but you can also add non-steam games to the library.

The steam launcher and library organize the games the way you’ll want them to be. The software client saves space on your PC. You’ll then prefer the steam launcher than just storing the game anywhere on the PC. Games acceptable with steam can be added but you’ll need to install them as if they were got from the steam site.

Where do you start?

Steam offers games that developers put in their platform; you can buy them using steam keys. There’re other platforms other than steam where you’ll get the games of your choice. They can be the online stores referred to as third party retailers. You’ll buy steam keys and use them in the other stores to buy games. The games, however, have to be steam hosted games.

Some developersmay supply their games to other stores other than steam. When you buy their games you may decide to add them to steam. They may also use different game keys to give you the games. When you have the games the process of adding becomes easy.

Adding games to steam

You’ll have to launch your steam client software before starting. Steam has the option of allowing games to be added to the steam library. You’ll click on the tab of the “Add a Non-Steam Game” icon and follow the prompts. You’ll then select the game from the file you’ve stored and click on add. The file will be uploaded but with missing ingredients such as add-ons.

The process is simple and your game will be on steam immediately. However, you’ll need to add the icons and even the background colors. You’ll also need to put the icon colors and all with a filler process. The ‘.exe.’ downloaded files will provide you with the icons, colors, and any add-ons to make your game noticeable.

Before the add-ons, the game will be seen in icons but missing other features. With the add-ons, you’ll even enlarge the icons for larger screens. The editing on the steam page doesn’t allow installing as when adding the steam games.

By customizing your game you can add cover art with the background image. The game will be as great as other steam games; ensure you correctly place the missing features. You can download apps, pictures, and controls.

What are the differences between steam games?

When you add another game to steam, the game doesn’t lose anything. Other than the icons and the cover arts, you’ll play your game like any other game on steam. The library allows you to program and organize your games as you wish.

Some of the game configurations may be lost in the process. That may include controls from the non-supportive games. However, streaming will continue as normal and no milestone lost in the process.