Google May 2020 Update: Things to know 

Now that Google has changed everything again, you have to go around once more while you are getting to grips with SEO. You can use these tips to make sure that you have found the appropriate plan for your business without changing everything overnight. You also need to make sure that you take some immediate steps so that you can reach more people. 

You Need To Rethink Talking About Bitcoin

Basically, Google is censoring Bitcoin. You can take a few guesses as to why that is, but it does not matter. If you have a lot of mentions of Bitcoin on your site, you might not be found. If you even wrote just one article around it, you might have a problem. This is why you need to think very hard about how you are going to generate content in the future. Because Google has done this, you may need to tweak a lot of things that you have done in the past.

You Might Not Find Videos

It is going to be harder for people to find videos, and that can be a big problem if they are blocking out some of the YouTube content that they already own. This means that some channels will thrive and others will not. you might be very hard to find even if all your YouTube content is set up how it should be. This might also be a problem if you are adding videos to your content to make it a little bit easier to find. Some of those benefits are going to go right out the window, and you are going to need to consider how you will recover from this because Google has no problem changing it around again in the future.

You also need to decide what you will do if you are counting on traffic to make money. 

You Should Plan Ahead And Make Changes Now

You can plan ahead and make changes now to be sure that you have invested the proper amount of time in trying to figure out how you will use Google in the future. Google has made big changes in the past, and now they are controlling how they can manage content, who you get to see, and why those people are seen. The company is also blocking out Bitcoin in a move that will have people wondering what Google’s true intentions are in the months and years to come.